Sabtu, Juni 28, 2008

Jangan salah doa

Saya punya cerita unik tentang doa orang-orang di sekitar saya..

Semua cerita ini saya dapat dari orang-orang sekitar saya..

1. Saya punya seorang guru, ia sedang menyelesaikan buku yang beberapa hari lagi jatuh deadline. Ia mengerjakan buku itu semalam suntuk setiap hari. Alhasil ia mulai merasakan rasa tidak enak badan pada tubuhnya. Kemudian beliau berdoa, "Ya Allah, Sehatkanlah ragaku ini sampai buku ini selesai ku ketik..". Dan ternyata benar, guru saya itu sehat sampai ketikannya selesai. Namun, saat beliau mau memasukkannya ke Flash Disk, kepala beliau langsung pusing dan akhirnuya beliau harus masuk rumah sakit.
Doa beliau benar-benar terkabul bukan??

2. Saya punya mentor.. Sebutlah namanya Ginu. Ia adalah seorang mahasiswa yang cukup cerdas di salah satu PTN terkemuka. Dalam daftar nilai, ia selalu bersaing dengan temannya, anggaplah ia bernama Devi. Devi selalu ada pada peringkat nomor satu dalam setiap ujian. Dan Ginu selalu pada nomor dua. Karena tidak puas, Ginu berdoa, " Ya Allah, Buatlah aku berada pada peringkat di atas si Devi..". Dan ternyata benar. Doanya terkabul. Namun sayangnya ia masih berada pada urutan dua, sedangkan Devi anjlok ke urutan 3. hhe..
Doanya benar-benar terabul bukan??

3. Saya punya teman. Dia adalah orang yang benar-benar setia terhadap perempuan yang ia sayang. Namun sampai sekarang ia belum pernah menyatakan rasa cintanya itu. Suatu ketika ia berdoa. "Ya Allah, berikanlah aku kesempatan tuk menyatakan rasa cintaku padanya". Beberapa hari kemudian doanya terkabul. Ia benar-benar diberi kesempatan. Saat itu waktu sudah sore, di depan sekolah, teman saya ini tinggal berdua dengan orang yg ia sayang. Tak ada siswa lain disana. Ia kemudian mendekati orang yg ia sayang itu. kemudian teman saya berkata, "Hai, hari sudah sore. Aku pulang duluan ya.." "Ya" jawab orang yg disukai oleh teman saya itu.
Doa teman saya itu benar-benar terkabul.. Ia mendapatkan kesempatan tuk menyatakan cinta'a..Namun masalahnya, Ia tidak diberikan keberanian tuk menyatakannya.. Sial benar ia..
Tapi at least, doanya terkabul kan???

ya begitulahcerita dari saya.. moga bisa diambil hikmahnya...

Hasil UN



sangat ga diduga-duga..
Saya masuk 10 besar hasil UN se SMP Negeri 3 Depok..

Kaget..merasa aneh..bersyukur...bingung mw ngapain..tapi seneng..Nilai 36.55 merupakan hasil yg ga diduga-duga..Entah kenapa bisa dapat nilai segitu.. Beruntungkah?? Hoki?? Takdir Allah?? atau emang gw yg pnter?? Tapi kayaknya soal'a yg ga susah susah amat.. Tapi klo soal'a ga susah, knapa orang-orang pintar macam bernita,jordi,raita, wilda dll ga masuk 10besar ya??

Mudah-mudahan bisa jadi pelecut semangat tuk dapat hasil lebih baik buat saya lah..

Buat temen-temen saya dimanapun..Doain saya biar sukses ya...
Keep smile...
"u are what u think!"

Minggu, Juni 15, 2008


Dalam Rangka 80 Tahun Sumpah Pemuda, Kementerian Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga RI menyelenggarakan Lomba Karya Tulis dan Penghargaan untuk Penulis Artikel Kepemudaan.
Persyaratan Lomba Karya Tulis:
1. Naskah berbentuk esai dengan tema “80 Tahun Kontribusi Pemuda dalam Kepemimpinan Bangsa”.
2. Lomba dibagi dalam 3 kategori: pelajar, mahasiswa, dan umum.
3. Lomba terbuka untuk semua WNI berusia 15-35 tahun.
4. Esai tidak bertentangan dengan SARA dan tidak mengandung unsur pornografi.
5. Naskah merupakan karya asli, bukan terjemahan, atau saduran.
6. Naskah belum pernah dipublikasikan di media massa cetak/elektronik dan tidak sedang diikutkan dalam lomba sejenis.
7. Naskah ditulis dengan Bahasa Indonesia yang baik, diketik di kertas A4, font Times New Roman, 6-12 halaman, spasi ganda.
8. Mencantumkan kategori di sudut kiri amplop pengiriman naskah.
9. Nama penulis harus diletakkan pada halaman terpisah dengan lembar naskah
10. Naskah dikirim rangkap 3 (tiga).

Persyaratan Penghargaan Penulis:
1. Artikel telah dimuat di media massa cetak antara bulan Januari – September 2008 yang bertema Kepemudaan.
2. Melampirkan artikel (atau fotokopinya) yang telah dimuat sebanyak tiga rangkap.
3. Lomba terbuka untuk umum (tanpa batasan usia)
4. Artikel tidak bertentangan dengan SARA dan tidak mengandung unsur pornografi.
5. Mencantumkan “Penghargaan Penulis” di sudut kiri amplop.

Persyaratan Teknis :
1. Pengiriman naskah disertai dengan fotokopi identitas diri (KTP/SIM/Kartu Pelajar/Paspor dan biodata singkat: nama, alamat lengkap, nomor telepon/handphone, e-mail)
2. Pengiriman naskah lomba esai atau penghargaan penulis dikirim ke:Panitia Lomba Karya Tulis Tingkat Nasional dan Penghargaan Penulisd.a Rumah Cahaya FLP Jl. Keadilan Raya No 13 Blok XVI Depok Timur 164183.
Naskah ditunggu selambat-lambatnya tanggal 3 Oktober 2008.

HADIAH setiap kategori dan Penghargaan Penulis:
Juara I: Rp2.500.000,-
Juara II: Rp2.000.000,-
Juara III: Rp1.500.000,
3 pemenang hiburan @ Rp500.000,-
* Pengumuman pemenang dapat dilihat di dan pada 18 Oktober 2008.
* Pemenang pertama Lomba Karya Tulis dari setiap kategori dan pemenang utama Penghargaan Penulis yang berdomisili di Indonesia akan diundang ke Jakarta pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2008 dengan biaya kedatangan ditanggung panitiaAcara ini diselenggarakan oleh :Deputi Bidang Pemberdayaan Kepemimpinan Pemuda Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga bekerja sama dengan Forum Lingkar Pena (dikasi logo, dit)Didukung oleh: ANNIDA & Lingkar Pena Publishing HouseKeterangan lebih lanjut hubungi Maryati (021) 573 8158, Koko 0813 67675459, Denny 0899 9910037

Senin, Juni 02, 2008

today's profile: Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

General TNI (Ret) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, popularly known as SBY, was born in Pacitan, East Java, on 9 September 1949. Born in Pacitan, East Java, on September 9, 1949, to a lower-middle class family and is the son of Raden Soekotjo, an army officer, and Siti Habibah. Since he was a child, he always wanted to be in the army.His first school was Sekolah Rakyat Gadjahmada (now is SDN Baleharjo I). Yudhoyono developed a reputation as an extremely talented student in addition to being an academic achiever, excelling in writing poems, short stories, and play-acting. Yudhoyono was also talented in music and sport, reflected when he and his friends established a volleyball club called "Klub Rajawali" and a band called "Gaya Teruna".Music became a hobby for Yudhoyono and he often sang one of his favorite songs, "Pelangi di Matamu" during his presidential campaign

A. Education

When he was in 5th grade, Yudhoyono visited the National Military Academy (AMN) at Magelang. After seeing the soldiers training there and perhaps inspired by his own father's career, Yudhoyono became determined to join ABRI and become a soldier.
Yudhoyono spent three years at Akabri (Academy of Indonesian Armed Forces) and became the Commander of the Cadet Corps Division there. He graduated from Akabri in 1973, and as the best graduate of the year, received the prestigious Adhi Makayasa Medal from President Suharto.. He received his fourth star in 2000.
He was educated in the United States, where he received his Masters degree in Management from Webster University in 1991. He continued his study and earned a Doctorate Degree in Agricultural Economics from Bogor Institute of Agriculture, West Java, Indonesia, in 2004. President Yudhoyono was awarded with two honorary doctorates in 2005, respectively in the field of law from his alma mater, Webster University, and in political science from Thammasat University in Thailand.

B. Political Career

Yudhoyono was appointed to his old position of Coordinating Minister of Politics and Security in Megawati's new Cabinet. After the October 2002 Bali bombing, he oversaw the hunt for and arrest of those responsible, and gained a reputation both in Indonesia and abroad as one of the few Indonesian politicians serious about the War on Terrorism. His speech during the one year anniversary of the Bali bombing (in which many Australians were killed) was praised by the Australian media and public.
The turning point came on 1st March 2004, when Yudhoyono's secretary, Sudi Silalahi announced to the media that for the last 6 months, Yudhoyono had been excluded from policy decision-making in the field of Politics and Security.On 2 March, Megawati responded that she had never excluded Yudhoyono while her husband, Taufik Kiemas called Yudhoyono childish for complaining to the media instead of the President herself. On 8 March, Yudhoyono sent a letter asking for permission to meet the President about his ministerial authorities. Megawati did not respond when she received the letter, although she invited Yudhoyono along to a Cabinet meeting on 11 March. Yudhoyono did not attend the Cabinet meeting and instead held a press conference at his office and announced his resignation from the position of Coordinating Minister of Politics and Security. Yudhoyono also announced that he is ready to be nominated as President.
Yudhoyono accepted the nomination and picked Golkar's Jusuf Kalla as his running mate. Aside from PD, their Presidential and Vice Presidential candidacy were also supported by the Crescent Star Party (PBB), Star Reform Party (PBR) and Indonesian Justice and Unity Party (PKPI).On 5 July 2004, Yudhoyono participated in the first round of Presidential Elections coming first with 33% of the votes. However, 50% of votes are required for a new President and Vice President to be elected and this meant Yudhoyono going into a run-off against Megawati. For the run-off, Yudhoyono faced challenge from Megawati's Indonesian Democratic Party-Struggle (PDI-P), forming a National Coalition with Golkar, PPP, Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) and Indonesian National Party (PNI). Yudhoyono then declared that his coalition, which now received political support from the National Awakening Party (PKB), Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the National Mandate Party (PAN), would be the People's Coalition On 20 September 2004, Yudhoyono participated in the run-off election, winning it with 60.87% of the vote.
Yudhoyono was inaugurated as President on 20 October 2004.

C. Presidental Career

Recently Yudhoyono made the unpopular decision to cut fuel subsidy and increase the fuel prices. And made his popularity became down.

D. Family

Yudhoyono lives both in the Presidential Merdeka Palace in Jakarta and his family residence in Cikeas, Bogor with his wife, Ani Bambang Yudhoyono. First Lady Ani Yudhoyono (pronounced ah-nee bumb-bung, maiden name: Kristiani Herawati) is a holder of political science degree from local Merdeka University, and was the first vice chairman of her husband's political vehicle Democratic Party. She is also the eldest child of General (Ret.) Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, one of Indonesia's high-profile generals.
The family's elder son, First Lieutenant Agus Harimurti (born 1978), graduated from the reputable Taruna Nusantara High School in 1997 and Indonesian Military Academy in 2000 and is a holder of the Adhi Makayasa Medal like his father. He is currently an army first lieutenant, assigned to an infantry battalion in Bandung, West Java and is married to Annisa Larasati Pohan,a model and also the daughter of an ex-Bank Indonesia vice-president, since July 8th, 2005. In July 2006, Agus was graduated from Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies, Singapore in master degree of Strategic Studies. He is currently posted in Lebanon, being a member of Indonesian contingent for United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.The family's younger son, Edhie Baskoro (born 1980), received a degree with double major, Financial Commerce and eCommerce in 2005 from the Curtin University of Technology, in Perth, Western Australia and currently following his brother's footsteps in pursuing his Master Degree in the Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies, Singapore.


President Yudhoyono is a keen reader and has authored a number of books and articles including: Transforming Indonesia: Selected International Speeches (2005), Peace deal with Aceh is just a beginning (2005), The Making of a Hero (2005), Revitalization of the Indonesian Economy: Business, Politics and Good Governance (2002), and Coping with the Crisis - Securing the Reform (1999). Taman Kehidupan (Garden of Life) is his anthology published in 2004. President Yudhoyono speaks English fluently.